Carpena Associados Lawyers Receive Award Featured Business Gaucho 2013

Carpena Associated Lawyers was the winner of the 24th edition of the Featured Business Gaucho 2013 award in the newly inaugurated

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Carpena attorneys associated was the winner of the 24th edition of the Featured Business Gaucho 2013 award in the newly opened category law firm . The award was granted to the directors of the banking of the bank in solemnity in the day of December, in the panoramic restaurant of Fenac, in Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul.

from left to right, Dr. Diogo Junqueira, Dr. Valternei Melo de Souza, Dr. Jaqueline Franceschetti, Dr. Fernanda Lopes, Valdecir Fraga, Adriana Adams and Dr. André Luís Palmarante Ferreira

from left to right, Dr. Diogo Junqueira, Dr. Valternei Melo de Souza, Dr. Jaqueline Franceschetti, Dr. Fernanda Lopes, Valdecir Fraga, Adriana Adams and Dr. André Luís Palmarante Ferreira

were present, among other authorities, State Member Lucas Redecker, responsible for the delivery of the prize, and the federal deputy Luiz Carlos Busato, representing the State Government.

In addition to the office structure, the highlight of the Gaucho mentioned, in its monthly publication, the capacity building of Carpena's Human Resources as a difference of banking, also reminded as a reference in Latin America in view of its inclusion in the Legal Services Guide annually Edited by Chambers and Partners .