Carpena Lawyers was highlighted in the Chambers Latin America Award 2013

Carpena Lawyers was highlighted by Chambers and Partners on September 10, 2013, in the city of São Paulo, with its inclusion in the guide

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Carpena Lawyers was highlighted by Chambers and Partners on 10 September 2013, in the city of São Paulo, with its inclusion in the guide on the legal services market in Latin America - < in> Chambers Latin America Guide 2013 .

With a team of more than 140 highly qualified researchers and working full time, Chambers and Partners holds thousands of interviews with lawyers and their customers all over the world. The research, held independently and objectively in several countries, is made through forms. With them, the Chambers has access to information on the different areas of operations of the offices and their clients.

In this research, team surveys are included, the resources available in the office and the main transactions of which Banca participated in the 12 months prior to the publication. After this, office clients are interviewed to provide opinions. That is, "The main source of information in the selection process are customers who work directly with the offices," according to Chambers and Partners .

Being reference in the branch, backed in solid and deep market surveys, is an honor for Carpena Advogados to be present in this publication, which seeks to identify and classify the world's best offices. All this only demonstrates that Carpena Lawyers adopted the right path in the provision of personalized and high legal services to its customers.

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