Carpena News interview lawyer Jaqueline Franceschetti

In commemoration of the anniversary of a circulation of Carpena News, the Jaqueline Franceschetti lawyer, Carpeen partner

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In commemoration of the birthday of a circulation of CARPENA News, the lawyer Jaqueline Franceschetti, partner of Carpena Lawyers and Coordinator of the News team was invited to talk about the development of the monthly information and its relationship with advocacy activity. / p>

- How did the idea of ​​Carpena News?

The idea has come a year ago - this is the first anniversary edition. A group of young talents thought of creating an instrument that served as an intellectual production, which contributed to the constant updating of the members of Carpena Advogados and, moreover, was a means of dissemination of this work, both for the internal public and The external public.

- How did Carpena News help in the office development process?

In addition to being an important means of communication, News also have the function of serving as an intellectual production of the intellectual production of Carpena's members. Due to the accentuated growth in recent years, many talents or potential legal talents began to integrate carpena lawyers and news is the conducive forum for their work to be released to colleagues and customers. In this way, News contributes to the growth in Carpena Advogados also reflects on the professional growth of its employees.

- What transformations in the form of disclosure of information occurred throughout its carpena lawyers?

The disclosure of the work produced and the innovative theses, in general, has always been treated with seriousness by Carpena lawyers. Over the years, the obtaining of major judicial decisions and interests of customers has always been published in an ethical and directed way. Likewise, the intellectual production of its members was and is still conveyed by identical means of publication. With the advent of News, Carpena Advogados innovated in the field of information dissemination by being an instrument that brings all these manifestations organized and periodically.

- What point do you stress as being the most important in the use of information as a carpena communication tool lawyers with the external public?

The facilitation of access to information brought by the internet makes, every day, we received a series of informational, whose reading and reflection are not always possible due to the high amount and short time available. The News abbreviated questions this difficulty leading to the public's knowledge of selected, qualified and interesting information, always in an accessible and objective way. Therefore, the most important in the use of information is that it effectively reaches the goal of communicating, that is, to effectively transmit the message to the desired public.

- What species of return - personal and professional - did you have with Carpena News?

the return is to have the satisfaction of seeing that the idea took shape, which was followed by colleagues who integrate the group responsible for the elaboration of the news, which we managed to do a quality work that is recognized internally and externally and, above all, we take To public knowledge information that Carpena attorneys considers important.

- What future expectations do you have for Carpena News?

I hope the News can reconcile growth, innovation and quality. We think of seeking other ways of working the information released, through group surveys, interviews, finally, qualify and specialize our publications.