Directors of Carpena Advogados are interviewed in the Program Featured Brazil

Directors of Carpena Associated Lawyers, Dr. Márcio Carpena, Dr. Jaqueline Franceschetti and Dr. Fernanda Lopes, granted interview with the program

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Carpena directors Associados, Dr. Márcio Carpena, Dr. Jaqueline Franceschetti and Dr. Fernanda Lopes, granted an interview with the Band TV, on September 15th. The Officers presented the office, highlighting it is one of the most traditional state, with 33 years of experience and placed between the country's 40 largest in the Full Service , according to the 2012 yearbook of the 500 Advocacy Analysis.

Carpena associated lawyers was also invited by the magazine Featured Gaucho, to participate in the Corporate Gaucho Prize , in legal modality, inserted in the awards this year 2013.

Carpena News took advantage of the occasion to hold a brief interview with the journalist and presenter of the highlight Brazil, Davenir Breier. The journalist has highlighted a great development potential for the development of agribusiness in Rio Grande do Sul, which is in a position of advantage over other states by the technological advances developed here. He emphasized, however, that the federal government should improve the transportation logistics in the country and become aware of the potential that has the gaucho agribusiness to supply other units of the federation.

Davenir also spoke of the legal development of the State and cited the former Senator Paulo Brossard as an example of the culture and critical positioning of the Gaucho people.

The interviewee concluded by stating being Rio Grande do Sul in expressive expansion, which could be observed from its vast experience at level Brazil.