New Code of Civil Procedure: Carpena Lawyers Provides Update Course for Your Lawyers

The penalty of the new Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), which occurred on March 16, 2015, has already tapped effects on the work routine

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The penalty of the new Civil Procedure Code (CPC), which occurred on 16 March 2015, has already tapped effects on the work routine of the law firm, with the need for appropriate adaptations and updates against the new procedural system. Although the new law enters into force only in March 2016, Carpena Advogados, committed to the continuous development of its professionals, has provided its team, since May this year, participation in the course "New Civil Procedure Code" , promoted by the Superior School of AAB / RS (ESA).

Participation in the aforementioned course comes in complement to the work already carried out under the Group of Civil Studies of the Office with a focus on the new law that repeals the current civil process code, promulgated in 1974.

Among the various updates promoted by the legislator on the civil process in the country, stand out: (i) the creation of new mechanisms for the search for the conciliation between the parties; (ii) the simplification of defense of the defendant; (iii) changes in deadlines count for the parties; (iv) the creation of an order of judgment of the processes; (v) reduction of the number of resources and unification of the recursion deadlines; (vi) amendment of the rules regarding attorney fees; (vii) regulation of disregarding the legal personality of societies; among others.

According to the Director General of the ESA of OAB / RS, sectional counselor Rafael Canterji, "The purpose of this course is to offer the opportunity lawyers to capacitate for these changes, which within one year will enter in force. In this period, which ends in March 2016, it is essential that professionals are updated to track the modifications of the new legal text ".

By including in its constant improvement process training such as this, Carpena Advogados seeks, more and more, excellence in the training of its membership, qualifying the service provided to its customers.