Academic enhancement and constant search for excellence: Carpena professionals join in master's courses

One of Carpena's biggest concerns is the constant search for quality in its services. This goes, certainly, by the improvement

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One of the biggest carpena concerns is the constant search for quality in its services. This is certainly through the technical improvement of their professionals, from a multidisciplinary view of law and advocacy itself. In this context, the actual and concrete incentive to carry out courses (not only in the legal area, also in the areas of management and administration) and postgraduations is one of the main characteristics of the office, which over the years has been adding professionals capable of creating Differentiated and highly qualified solutions. "Excellence in advocacy" , Refers Valternei Melo de Souza, one of the directors members, who is also a master and teacher of law, "must be guided in the current context of legal services , by the constant pursuit of quality and specialization, and this path involves, among other things, conducting courses, postgraduations, masters and doctorate ". "Academic enhancement allows the right professional to build high-value aggregate legal solutions" , proceeds Valternei, "which, thus, are able to face the most difficult problems presented by Our clients ". Carpena Advogados tells, today, with several professionals attending post-graduations Lato Sensu and recently had the satisfaction of seeing one more of his professionals joining a master's degree. "In reality, we were pleased to see, in a short period of time, two of our youngest lawyers are selected for master's courses" Complementary Valternei, referring to Priscila Vargas Mello, from the civil area , and to Manoela Martins, the Labor Area, "What, without a doubt, will qualify even more our legal body" .

With the increasing search for qualification by its professionals, Carpena associated lawyers seeks to consolidate their image of a differentiated banking and averse to the type of services that medium and large offices normally offer. "Great offices tend to deliver to their customers standard and repetitive solutions" , recalls Valternei, who adds: "by encouraging the search for growing personal and professional qualification, we seek to do just the contrary: Innovative and exclusive ".