Carpena Advogados Advisor Revitalization of the Gondoleiros Club

The full revitalization of the emblematic building of the Old Headquarters of Club Sociedade Gondoliers, located

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The integral revitalization of the emblematic building of the Old Headquarters of the Club Society Gondoliers , located in the region of the 4th district, in Porto Alegre, and listed by the City Hall as a architectural set of cultural interest. The restoration was a successful case of from the Urban Environmental Law from Carpena associated lawyers . The office advised the process of purchase and work of the property, working on adapting to federal, state and municipal laws, having as a conductive principle to compatibilize legal requirements with investor yearnings and local community.

"Legal advice, in partnership with architects and engineers, aids in the preparation of studies with a view to addressing the process of tipping or inventory, ensuring that the property does not become 'immutable' and yes a good investment ",

explains the carpena lawyer associate lawyers, jaqueline franceschetti .

The building, built in 1915, now will be intended to house activities aimed at technologies development industry . The intention is aligned with the project of Porto Alegre for the 4th district that fosters the rescue of historical real estate and the restructuring of the neighborhood area through fiscal exemptions. With 2.7 thousand m² of area, The building offers attractive for renters and investors .

" Real Estate Inventoried or Tombades rely on tax exemption such as IPTU and fees referring to preservation works. In the case of real estate located in the 4th district, complementary law No. 78/2015 grants exemption from IPTU and ITBI when occupation is made by technological or innovation-based companies. There are still benefits from the incentive law to the culture of RS and the Ministry of Culture ",

emphasizes Jaqueline Franceschetti.