Carpena News: A new communication and information tool

The year 2013 begins with a great novelty for Carpena Lawyers: Carpena News. The new monthly periodicity informational, which presents its

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2013 begins with a great novelty for carpena lawyers: Carpena News . The new monthly periodicity informative, which presents its first edition this year, is born of the collective desire to improve and develop new activities, bringing as a natural consequence a better propagation of the information.

The creation of this journal is the result of the dedication and contribution of colleagues in a variety of areas, which makes this informational "DNA" marked by interdisciplinarity - Feature of Nature Full Service Carpena lawyers.

Through the editions, Carpena News will bring, in addition to important legal contributions - such as news and articles -, something that is fundamental to the solidity of any project: the demonstration that knowledge It comes from people and that from the Union of them, solutions are found and problems are solved.

Carpeen News It is not only formed by a working group dedicated to the informational, but by the driving force of all members of the Carpena team. It is born with two great intuitations: first, use the information to approach those who are far, keeping those that are close even more informed and united by knowing; Second, foster more and more the construction and intellectual contribution of the office in favor of its customers, focusing on ethics and other guiding values ​​of law.

The "Family Carpena" is proud of this new step and hopes to count, with each edition, with reading, participation and opinion of all.