Midian Conditions

Nothing I have read, I heard or saw so far on the last operation of the Federal Police, nicknamed "weak meat",

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Nothing of what I read, I heard or saw so far on the last federal police operation, nicknamed "weak meat", it seems to me to justify the media spectacle that was installed. Based on precipitated unilateral claims backed in scarce documents collected in notably isolated cases, are shaking the image of dozens of companies, with strong reflections not only in their market appreciation (and injury to national and foreign investors), but also compromising thousands of jobs, the generation of wealth from heavy exports and, in the end, the country's own economy.

I am not naive to the point of thinking that the food sector is immune to the ethical and moral deviation by some - employees, entrepreneurs and public servants - but it does not seem reasonable to think that all the meat produced in the country may have been targeting for a malicious and widespread movement that left consumer health - and the asset itself that is the credibility of food companies - in a background. This represents not only an absurd exaggeration, but also a basic lack of knowledge about the history and philosophy of many of the companies "accused as suspicions," all internal and external controls that exist in food productions and, mainly, levels of requirements of markets and the various state bodies involved in their productive and commercial chain.

It seems crazy, but it turned praxe in Brazil wanting to condemn everything and everyone on the basis of superficial, pueris and generalized charges, to think that every businessman is, it was or will be a bandit. There is a great scandal, a press conference is promoted with the apothectic presence of the Public Prosecutor's Office, several are accused, otherwise, all earlier in the day (to give news time to reverberate early). Everyone goes to media and sells a lot of newspaper, makes themselves the fame of some and the disgrace of others. In a few years, if the praises are absolved in the press, they absolved by the Judiciary, perhaps a small note on the last sheet of the newspaper. Perhaps. These are signs of a modern Brazil and what do we want?

In times of inquisition, we take all the bonfire or forca, because in this way we serve the yearnings of the 4th power - worried about covering scandals (true or not), without the due decorving or sensible evaluation of the whole - and a society Thirsty for prisons and blood. If the punished are guilty or not, it does not matter.

In the middle of everything, it takes balance. The organs or institutions involved - especially the press, the Federal Police and the Public Prosecutor - must act with parsimony, exemption from mood and a lot of responsibility evaluating, always, the weight of their batos, the strength of their acts and the effects of their accusations . Much calmly not to curse who, lawful, helps keep the country alive, generates jobs, moves riches, exports products, pays taxes and mainly against everything, still believes and gives hard to stay here.