Labor and union laws

Cuvid-19: Employer will have new alternatives for the maintenance of work contracts

With the advancement of the coronavirus epidemic (Covid-19) and the impacts generated in the economy, the Brazilian Government prepares measures to

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With the advancement of the coronavirus epidemic (CUVD-19) and the impacts generated in the economy, the Government of Brazil prepares measures to maintain the jobs. Definition pending on the implementation of such measures (if temporary or by bill), the strategy covers the possibility of adopting the following measures:

  • Reduction of up to 50% of the journey with the proportional reduction of the salary in the same percentage, observed the minimum wage as a limit;
  • anticipation of 25% of the monthly value of unemployment insurance for workers who perceive up to two minimum wages and that they have their journey and their salary reduced;
  • payment of the wages of the first 15 days of spacing for those workers who contracted coronavirus;
  • Anticipation of individual vacation;
  • Concession of collective holiday 48 hours after notification to employees, with communication to the Ministry of Economy;
  • Fixing the telecommuting scheme through communication at 48 hours in advance;
  • Postponing of FGTS collection for three months and installment of values;
  • anticipation of non-religious holidays;
  • Changes regarding the criteria of the time bank.

    Such measures, Gize, can not yet be applied immediately.