Bankruptcy and recovery

After seven attempts, Arecola recovery plan is approved

After seven failed attempts, it was approved on Friday morning (27), by the company's creditors, the Judicial Recovery Plan

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After seven failed attempts, it was approved on Friday morning (27), by the company's creditors, the Artecola Judicial Recovery Plan. After 18 months of the application submission in January 2018, the plan was confirmed that lengthens for up to 15 years of payment of the company's debts, which add to R $ 760 million. The agreement helps preserve 250 direct jobs in the industry that produces adhesives for the mobile segments, boardwalk and automotive.

According to Márcio Louzada Carpena, a lawyer of ARTECOLA, which allowed the approval of the agreement so long after it was the perspective of industry victory in a legal process against the National Education Development Fund (FNE). The action originates in the delay of payments due to the company by building schools. The estimated value in this case is R $ 1.2 billion, involving losses and compensation for loss of company value, details the lawyer.
"Judicial recovery goes through the ripening and convincing of lenders about the reality of the Company. This takes, even - Pondera Carpena.

For lenders with real guarantees and labor debits, no discounted discount is expected to pay in up to 15 years. For others, there may be no discerning up to 80%, but the company's proposal is to compensate with the result of the action.