Enter into force in Brazil the Hague Approvement Convention

Entered into force on 14 August the Convention eliminating the requirement for legalization of foreign public documents,

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Entered into force on 14 August the Convention eliminating the requirement for legalization of foreign public documents, known as the Appraisal Convention. It will make it simpler and agile the processing of public documents between Brazil and 111 countries that have adhered to the agreement.

Previously, for a document to be accepted by foreign authorities, it was necessary to trampled it by various instances. The Convention now allows a unique legalization, sufficient for the interested party to address a registry authorized in one of the state capitals or in the Federal District to request the issue of a "Hague's Apostilla" of a document, giving it international validity.

With this, citizens and companies will spend fewer resources and time in the international document procedure, which contributes decisively to the promotion of economic activity.

"The entry into force of the Hague Apartment Convention in Brazil, in addition to reducing time Costs for the legalization of documents Brazilians in signatories. With the clear purpose of facilitating transactions, 'Single legalization', performed by the authorized offices, will dispense with consularization documents made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs "