Esocial will be mandatory as of 2014

The digital fiscal bookkeeping system of tax, social security and labor obligations - Esocial is a new system

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The digital fiscal bookkeeping system for tax, social security and labor obligations - Esocial is a new electronic use system for all companies, employers and equally as from the year 2014. The system consists of a virtual platform directed to the information on contracting and use of onerous labor (with or without employment link), as well as other social security and fiscal data that will be stored in it and made available to the federal government and its organs.

The objective of the system aims to supply in a uniform form of information related to fiscal, tax, social security or labor obligations relating to all events occurring from the competence of the month of January 2014, so that the participating bodies use them for social security purposes, tax and figures and fgts.

In the first half of 2014, the use of the companies are required under the real profit regime. Individual microentrepreneurs, small rural producers, presumed profit companies and companies submitted to the simple national will be forced to adopt the system only in the second half of 2014.

Carpena Lawyers is attentive to this innovation and works for your customers to be prepared to receive it.