Tools available to judgment - and lenders - for credit recovery

With the recession of the economy, defaulting is one of the biggest concerns of the business business. According to the national

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With the recession of the economy, defaulting is one of the biggest concerns of the business business. According to the national survey and consumer debt research, the percentage of indebted families reached 58% in August 2016. In the face of this economic scenario, credit recovery has been showing an alternative to improve the financial situation of companies.

The first strategy is the extrajudicial negotiation, with the approximation of the company and debtors in order to seek a solution that contemplates the interests of both parties. However, exhausted attempts for transaction, the filing of judicial demands is inevitable, which does not always result in a faint and effective collection, in the face of the difficulties of locating the debtor and liability that can be observed.

In this context, the lawyer has a fundamental role as a driver of the Judiciary, and it is up to the use of all the tools available to the judgment to seek information essential to progress.

Among these tools, we highlight the electronic systems developed or maintained through agreements by the National Council of Justice, which aim to seek a more efficient and effective judislation. Seven systems are available to assist the work of the Judiciary: Bacenjud (Central Bank), CCS-Bacen (Customer Service Register), Infojud (Federal Revenue), Infoseg (Public Safety), Renajud (National Traffic Department) , Serasajud (Serasa Experian) and Srei (electronic real estate registration system).

The latest innovation is the Srei, which was instituted through the provision No. 47/2015 of the National Corregidory of Justice. The tool interconnects the Judiciary to Real Estate Crafts, offering online services as an order of certificates and goods search.

In addition, there are other tools available, but used essentially by labor justice, such as: Siel (Electoral Information System), Censec (Central Notarial Shared Electronic Services), HOD (< In> Host on Demand ), Federal Revenue, Simba (banking system research system), among others.

however, in which the existence of several electronic tools, what is perceived is that many of them are not used, especially because of the lack of knowledge, both of the servants, and the applicators of the law. Therefore, in the face of the need for credit recovery by companies, the active actions of the lawyer is indispensable, seeking rapid and effective alternatives to obtain economic results in the lawsuits.