Frauds in processes require attention of companies

In July, the National Corregedora of Justice, Minister Nancy Andrighi, issued alert to Special Civil Courts in State and Federal

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In July, the National Corregedora of Justice, Minister Nancy Andrighi, issued alert to special civil and federal counties on the occurrence of frauds involving parts and his lawyers. The statement took place after a working group this year for the presidency of the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro (TJRJ), in charge of investigating irregularities in the entry of shares in the civil judge, notifying the corroldora on blows held in the Fluminense State.

The frauds identified in Special Courts of Rio de Janeiro involved practices such as purchases with the use of false identification, adulterated invoices used as evidence and duplicate bus tickets. The aim of the statement is to identify and avoid the spread of these scams throughout the country. These situations also reinforce the care that companies should have when they are involved in certain actions:

" evidence until instruction audience - and also taking advantage of the call "massification" of some Types of processes, help fraudulent demands In order to obtain illicit enrichment. Faced with this context, as a form of curing such practices and avoiding higher losses, it becomes essential that companies at the moment in that are quoted in these demands, do a careful analysis of documentation brought to autos with views Search possible irregularity. Verified the occurrence of fraud by the judiciary, should be adopted punitive measures such as the application of fine by litigation of bad faith, well shipment craft to the skillion competent of the OAB for < in> Instation ethical-disciplinary process, without prejudice to sending to the Public Prosecutor's Office to be investigated eventual crime ",