Privacy and Data Protection

LGPD: Supervision and application of administrative penalties

Last Friday (29) CD / ANPD RESOLUTION No 1 of the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) regulating the inspection and the penalties provided for in Law 13,709 / 2018 - General Protection Law data. This resolution - approved unanimously by the members of the Directing Council of the ANPD - is...

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Last Friday (29) CD / ANPD RESOLUTION No 1 of the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) regulating the inspection and the penalties provided for in Law 13,709 / 2018 - General Protection Law data. This resolution - approved unanimously by the members of the Directing Council of the ANPD - is intended to stimulate a responsive performance of the treatment agents.More than ever the theme follows gaining relevance, since the Federal Senate, recently approved the proposed amendment to the Constitution - PEC 17/2019 which includes the protection of personal data in the role and fundamental rights and guarantees. The discipline will follow for promulgation.

The priority in adequacy to the law is latent, considering that, according to IBraspD data[1], in the years 2020 and 2021 more than 50 (fifty) relevant security incidents have been reported Cyber attacks. Such incidents resulted in data leakage treated by large corporations.

In this way, considering the severe administrative sanctions provided for in the law, the prioritization of the theme by companies is extremely relevant. It is possible to highlight, among the planned penalties, a fine of up to 2% (two percent) of the activity of the legal entity and the partial or total prohibition of the exercise of activities related to personal data processing.

Carpena lawyers acts strongly in the aid of companies in their compliance programsprivacy and personal data protection and is available for customer service related to the theme.