Micro and small companies that do not pay or share their debts will not be able to return to the simple until 2018

Micro and small businesses that were disconnected from simple national in December 2016 have until January 31 to share their debts

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The micro and small companies that were disconnected from the simple national in December 2016 have until January 31 to share their debts and request their replicate in the tax regime. Notified by the Federal Revenue Revenue Still in September, just over half of the companies with debts have already installed their debts and ensured the permanence in the system.

The recommendation of the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Service (Sebrae) is that small business owners with debts seek parceling adhesion within 120 months and reinclude the company in simple as soon as possible, For those who do not regularize on time can only return to this taxation system in 2018. The installment application must be done through the site www8.receita.fazenda.gov.br/simplesnational .

"As the president of Sebrae, the simple national is a way of protection to the small business owners who would otherwise not have to keep on the market. With this, it is important that they are interested in the term of the installment that wins on January 31, 2017. Otherwise, they will be outside the special taxation regime and, with normal taxation, the risk of failing to maintain their activities , since they can only return to the simple in 2018, "says Cristiane Schardosim Martins, a lawyer for the Tax Area of ​​Carpena associated lawyers.