Banking and Finance

MP of Agro enter into force and seeks to encourage the sector

Entered into force on yesterday, 8 April 2020, Federal Law n. 13.986/20, which for purpose is to modernize the rules of agricultural policy

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entered into force on yesterday's date, 8 April 2020, federal law n. 13.986/20, which has pursuant to modernize agricultural policy rules and generate new opportunities for agribusiness. The law contains a number of measures seeking to improve the agro environment, such as the flexibility of the rules for the effective of credit and constitution of guarantees.

Among the various advances brought by law, the following are:

the Solidarity Guarantee Fund (FGS)which will function as a complementary guarantee to companies, banks and tradings, should be composed of at least two rural producers (which will be with the primary quota of 4%), by the financial institution or creditor (which will have the share of 2% ) and by eventual interested third party (which, too, will have the share of 2%). In addition to the value collected for the bottom and solidarity responsibility of all participants, debtors can offer other guarantees to lenders.


the Affection equity can guarantee any operation Financial, and will be instrumentalized by Rural real estate (CIR) When hired with financial institutions or investment fund, and through rural product banknote (CPR) When dealing with operations carried out with cooperatives, cerealists or other lenders.< / p>

The new law will also allow the titles to be issued as reference foreign currency (dollar). The intention, with this measure, is to facilitate access to funding with international resources.

Finally, utros legal devices have been updated and / or modified in order to legal certainty and transparency for industry operations. In this way, Carpena Advogados is available to detail such measures and to remedy any doubts about the subject.