New revisional action of FGTS

The Judiciary has been modifying its understanding in relation to the change in the correction index

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The Judiciary has been modifying its understanding in relation to the change in the monetary correction index applied to the depositary bank accounts of FGTS. The new positioning is to determine that the Federal Economic Caixa recalculate the correction of the values ​​still deposited or already raised, reimbursing the parties the amount relating to the differences in the applied indices since 1999.

The practical effect of these decisions is to replace the TR, current monetary correction index applied by CEF to FGTS, IPCA-E or INPC, which make the values ​​deposited more profitable. Decisions were based on synthesis in the context that TR does not accompany current levels of inflation, which is why the amounts deposited, under FGTS, are not being corrected in order to maintain the economic value of the currency.

Considering that, in general, the new applied indexes represent values ​​higher than the above, CEF was convicted to revise, including the values ​​already corrected by the TR, consequently, generating the value to be restored to the authors of the processes , with respect to the difference caused by the incidence of the indices, from the year 1999.