The fine, provided for in Law 9,430 / 1996, was revoked in 2014, and aimed to avoid taxpayers to carry out orders for excess reimbursement. Those who were penalized needed to pay 50% of the required value. The penalty could reach 100% if the supervision understood that there had been bad faith. Span> p> p> with ADI nº 8, the revenue also establishes that the fine should not be applied to the requests still awaiting a decision. The act also defines that the penalized taxpayers that installed the value will not need to pay the future parcels of the fine. However, the fines and already stylated parcels will not be returned. Span> span> p> p> " It can be em> penalized, benefiting those who received the fine, but they stopped paying it. in> Explain Jacquelyne Fleck Strong>, Advocate of the Tax Area of Carpena Associated lawyers. P> p>