Rio Grande do Sul can open installment of ICMS debts

The National Council for Fazenda (Confaz) authorized the Government of Rio Grande do Sul to open installment of ICMS debits with discounts

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The National Council of Fazenda (Confaz) authorized the Government of Rio Grande do Sul to open installment of ICMS debits with discounts on fines and interest. The measure was authorized by Agreement nº 2 and published on January 6 in the Official Gazette of the Union. The State has until 28 April to join the program.

With the measure, Rio Grande do Sul may reduce interest incidents on debts overdue by 30 June last year. These debts can be constituted or not, inscribed or not in active debt, and even, joined. Regarding fines and their respective legal additions, a discount of up to 85% and installment was authorized within 120 months. Companies framed in the simple national would have a 100% discount. The program, however, seals the inclusion of debts that have been or are the object of judicial deposit.

In case the taxpayer delay debt payment for three months, consecutive or not, it will be excluded from the program.