FGTS calamity

The FGTS calamity withdrawal is the possibility that the worker has to withdraw the balance of his FGTS account for personal need, urgent and serious resulting from the occurrence of natural disaster that has reached his residential area.

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FGTS calamity withdrawal is the possibility that the worker has to withdraw the balance of his FGTS account for personal need, urgent and serious resulting from the occurrence of natural disaster that has reached his residential area.

For withdrawal purposes, natural disaster is considered:

  • Floods or floods;
  • flood or sudden floods;
  • floods;
  • coastal floods caused by sudden sea invasion;
  • hail precipitation;
  • Slicing or storms;
  • Very intense windstorms or extractic cyclones;
  • Extremely intense windstorms, hurricanes, typhoons or tropical cyclones;
  • Tornadoes and water trips;
  • Disaster due to the break or collapse of dams that cause mass movement, with damage to residential units.

According to Decree 5.113/2004, for the qualification of FGTS withdrawal, it is necessary to recognize public calamity recognized by the Federal Government Ordinance.

The requirements for enabling FGTS withdrawal are duly completed for workers victims of climate events since 24/04/2024 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, as the State Government has decreed the State of Public calamity in the state territory through Decree 57,596, of May 1, 2024, and the Federal Government also recognized, through Ordinance No. 1,354, of May 2, 2024, the State of Public Calamity in the State of Rio Grande do Sul.

Given this, it is necessary to deliver the qualification documentation by the Municipal Government or Federal District to Caixa Econômica Federal, which is already being carried out to enable the proper qualification of all the municipalities affected and the subsequent withdrawal by the workers. P>

The withdrawal will be the balance available in the FGTS account, on the date of the request, limited to the amount of R $ 6,220.00 (six thousand, two hundred and twenty reais) for each event characterized as natural disaster. >

It is noteworthy that the interval between one withdrawal and another is not required not less than twelve months, when it comes specifically of withdrawal from the public calamity currently recognized in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, as it has passed to Authorize Decree No. 12.016, published yesterday, 07/05/2024.

The worker may request FGTS calamity withdrawal by the “FGTS” application or personally at a Caixa Agency.

To view the full list of qualified cities, the deadline for requesting the withdrawal and greater guidelines to make the withdrawal, go to the link: https://www.fgts.gov.br/pages/sou-mbalhador/saque-calary.aspx .