STJ evaluates the role of Ombudsman as an alternative to the resolution of bank conflicts

On 12 and 13 of this month, the Supreme Court of Justice (STJ) held the "1st ombudsman seminar as a form of desjudice

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on 12 and 13 of this month, the Supreme Court (STJ) held "1 S The demands involving banks . inspired by a German initiative that has been successful, the performance of the ombudsman , a species of simplified mediator, would happen as follows: the client carries out the complaint in writing to the bank, which it forwards to ombudsman , which emits an opinion related to the case. If the return is favorable to the customer, the bank is bound; Otherwise, the customer may continue to demand judicially. This action would contribute to disputes to be solved internally, reducing the number of processes forwarded to STJ.

" The Judiciary. however, so this really becomes effective, a change culture in terms of decision making, either by companies , by individuals, judicially like any discussion < Contractual relationship ",

Stress Camila Damo , Contracts Area Lawyer Associated Advocates.