Integrate orders of real estate unavailability

A new central, maintained and operated by the Association of Real Estate Registrars of São Paulo (Arisp), intends to ensure more rapid

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A new plant, maintained and operated by the Association of Real Estate Registrars of São Paulo (ARISP), aims to ensure greater speed and effectiveness to the unavailability of real estate enabled by the Judiciary or administrative authorities.

The National Central of Unavailability of Goods (CNIB) should interconnect magistrates and administrative authorities with a competence to dispatch orders of restriction of property and real estate registration officers throughout the country. The system, already implanted in the State of São Paulo, should now be expanded to the other states.

When decline the unavailability of goods of a particular person, magistrates or administrative authorities may immediately register the decision in the CNIB. The registration can also be made by previously accredited servers for this function. The same should be made from survey or cancellation decisions of goods.

Once registered in the system, information on unavailability is available to all real estate registration officials in the country, which must consult CNIB before any notarial or registration act on real estate or rights related to these goods.

according to the provision n. 39 of the National Riggerory of Justice, which establishes and regulates the operation of the system, real estate registration officers must consult CNIB at least two moments throughout the day, at the opening of the registry and an hour before the closing of the expedient. The objective of the consultation is to verify the existence of communication of unavailability of goods and launch the restriction on property registration if it is registered in that notary.

CNIB will be available at the , but can only be accessed by users registered with the Use of digital certification. Members of the Public Prosecutor's Office or Public Organ Servers who are interested in this information, by virtue of their functions, may request the control of the system access to the system for consultation purposes. The monitoring and supervision of the Central will be under the responsibility of the National Correwery to Justice, the General Corregers of Justice and the Permanent Corregorias.

Courts, general and regional corpsions will have ninety days, from the exposure, to indicate the servers that will be responsible for registering magistrates and other servers for access to the system. At the same time, the tabs of notes and registration officers shall be registered.