Software piracy compensation must have punitive and pedagogical character

Only the value of computer programs used without license from the holder of copyright does not indemnify all losses suffered by the

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Only the value of the computer programs used without license from the holder of the copyright does not indemnify all the losses suffered by the piracy victim of software , as the Superior Court of Justice has decided.

Counting Decision of the Court of São Paulo, Minister Nancy Andrighi, rapporteur of the special appeal no. 1,403,865, stated that "mere financial compensation is not only conniving with illicit conduct, but stimulates its practice, Making it preferable to take the risk of illegally using the programs, since, if caught and processed, the offender will be obliged, as much, payable to the value corresponding to the respective licenses ".

The minister rapporteur also highlighted data from Business Software Alliance , according to which, "if piracy was reduced in Brazil in ten percentage points in the next four years, more than 12.3 thousand would be created jobs and more than $ 4 billion dollars would be returned to the Brazilian economy. "

In addition to a stimulus of intellectual property owners, which are recognized in court its right, the decision serves as a warning piracy of softwares , which can represent significant judicial liability for infringe companies.