Federal Normative Instruments extend the matures of maturity of federal taxes, deficiency parcels object of installments and compliance with ancillary obligations, when decreed state of public calamity

The concierge n. 12, from January 20, 2012, of the Ministry of Finance, extends the maturity date of federal taxes, as well as the parcels of debts

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The concierge n. 12, from January 20, 2012, of the Ministry of Finance, extends the maturity date of federal tributes, as well as the parcels of deftension object of installment granted by the Attorney General of the National Fazenda (PGFN) and the Federal Revenue of Brazil ( RFB), when taxpayers are domiciled in places where calamity state was decreed.

In turn, RFB Normal instruction. 1.243, of January 25, 2012, amends the deadlines for compliance with ancillary obligations concerning the taxes administered by the RFB.

The two normative instruments establish that deadlines are extended to the last business day of the 3rd (third) month subsequent to those of the months where such payments and ancillary obligations were required. The fines are also canceled for delay in delivering these statements, demonstration and documents.

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