IPCA-E is defined as new factor of labor loans updates

IPCA-E - Price Index to the Wide Special Consumer - was defined in the full meeting of the Superior Court of Labor,

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The IPCA-E - Pricing Index to the Wide Special Consumer - was defined in the full meeting of the Work Superior Court, which will be used by the Superior Council of Labor Justice (CSJT) for monetary update of labor justice, in a single table of updates.

According to the TST decision, the new update factor will not be applied to consolidated legal situations, that is, those resulting from judicial payments already contemplated. It will therefore apply only to the ongoing processes, where the credit is still open, however, the effects of the decision should prevail from June 30, 2009. It is worth mentioning that the TR (reference rate) was 0.2897% in 2013, while the IPCA-E was 5.91%, that is, companies should increase their provisions for payment of future and future labor debits.

Until then there was no consolidated index for updating application in liquidations and labor executions, so that discussions and applicability of TR - Referential Rate - or the application of INPC - National Consumer Price Index, since the Supreme Federal Court declared unconstitutional to TR as the indexer of the precatios, which was extended to labor debits and, in view of such positioning of the Supreme, there was no other index indicated in substitution. Thus, magistrates were applying, from March 14, 2013, the INPC, which has always generated a great bustle when upgrading calculations to settle labor due.

In this first stage, the decision will be referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence and Normal Precedents of the Superior Court of Labor for the Issue of OJ - Jurisprudential Guidance of Subsection 1 Specialized in Individual Dissídio (SDI-1) that will probably have No 300 ( OJ 300 - SDI-1).
