Employee injury in the company's confraternization game is not an accident at work

The Judge of the work Gustavo Augusto Pires de Oliveira, de Recife / PE, denied compensation for employee who filed complaint claiming

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The Judge of the work Gustavo Augusto Pires de Oliveira, de Recife / PE, denied compensation for employee who filed a complaint claiming work accident and moral damages for fracturing his knee during a football match at the company's feast party.

The author claimed that employees were required to attend the company's event, which occurred on a business day.

The Judgment consigned in the sentence that the author himself, when he interrogated, said that some co-workers did not go to fraternization and did not suffer punishment because of this, and the same line was the manifestation of a witness.

"The company used to offer a year-end confraternization to its employees, without coercing them to attend, having the claimant gone to the event by spontaneous will and, when playing football in the leisure space, injured The knee. The employee, thus, was not providing service to the company, on a course for work, nor is an order or at the disposal of the employer. "

In addition to not understanding characterized the work accident, the magistrate concluded that it was no hypothesis of moral damages in view that there was no guilty act of the company for the occurrence of the fact.

The company was represented by the office carpena associated lawyers.