New Ordinance of the MTE restricts work on Sundays

The Ordinance No. 375 of the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE), published on March 24, 2014, establishes that those companies that have more

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The Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE), published on March 24, 2014, establishes that those companies that have more than a registered irregularity on the work, health or safety, in the last five years They will be automatically prohibited from working these days, although they justify it to be essential for the exercise of their activities.

Even companies with only one irregularity in the last five years will only have their requests for authorization for work on Sundays and holidays evaluated after MTE surveillance, which does not have a fixed date or deadline to complete.

Until then, in order to obtain the authorization of the Ministry of Labor, it was necessary for the agreement of employees and workers' union representing them, in addition to a technical report issued by the competent institution linked to the municipal, state or federal public power confirming the need.

It is believed that the new regulations will reach the industrial development of the country, since more than 300 thousand companies have been assigned (including reproductions) in the last five years, as a statement made by the Ministry.