Risk prevention: the role of preventive labor advocacy

Can we do this? This is the main questioning of small, medium or large companies in everyday life. As well as in the various

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Can we do this? This is the main questioning of small, medium or large companies in everyday life. As in the various areas of law, labor matter involves decision making that causes reflexes beyond the employee or industry. This is because a concession or exclusion of a certain benefit, premium or advantage generates repercussions on more than one employee or even the dispute for litigation.

About the litigation, one must keep in mind that, in the current days, some labor claims are not only aimed at the search for a right, but location or, in special situations, the mere condemnation of the company, as a kind of revenge of the one who felt offended by a decision-making in the course of the work contract promoted by a direct bust, on behalf of the company.

The employer, either formed by a person or a group of shareholders, should keep in mind that a measure of reduction of "costs" should be observed beyond the sphere of deletion, taking into account the consequences and the risks of your application.

The simple imposition by the employer, be it to reach or restrict any beneses, is not a salutary measure in investment restriction times, since participation or even transparency in decisions are determining factors of permanence of a particular contributor or motivation to the group.

Whatever the decision, especially those colloquially denominated "bitter", the preventive legal orientation will point out the risks of eventual action. Sure legal monitoring will not determine what the employer "should not do" within legal acts, but will warn that if taking a decision, it will imply a certain consequence.