Law 12,865 / 2013 established the reopening of the Refis of the crisis (provided for in Law 11,941 / 2009) for federal tax debts * due until 30 November 2008 and, in the case of financial institutions and insurers, for debits maturing until December 31, 2012. P>
To illustrate the advantages brought by law, it should be noted that, in the hypothesis of payment to sight, debts that were not the subject of previous installment reach a reduction of 100% of Mora and Craft fines, 40% of Insulated fines, 45% of mergers and 100% of legal charges. P>
The law also allows the installment in 30, 60, 120 and 180 months, with respectively minor reductions. p>
The repairment of debts have already been planned in previous amnesty programs (Paes, Paex and Refis, including Law 11.941 / 2009) within 180 times with reductions. P>
Carpena Lawyers is prepared to guide your customers in the process of adherence to the installment. P>
* Except for debts required by the National Telecommunications Agency - Anatel (any related to the Technological Development of Telecommunications - FUNTTEL -, Telecommunications Supervisory Fund - Fistel - and Universalization of Telecommunications Services - Fust ) And also by the National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality - Inmetro - and Administrative Council of Economic Defense - Cade. P>