Refis of the crisis is reopened

Law 12,865 / 2013 established the reopening of the Refis of the Crisis (provided for in Law 11.941 / 2009) for federal tax debts * overdue up to 30

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Law 12,865 / 2013 established the reopening of the Refis of the crisis (provided for in Law 11,941 / 2009) for federal tax debts * due until 30 November 2008 and, in the case of financial institutions and insurers, for debits maturing until December 31, 2012.

To illustrate the advantages brought by law, it should be noted that, in the hypothesis of payment to sight, debts that were not the subject of previous installment reach a reduction of 100% of Mora and Craft fines, 40% of Insulated fines, 45% of mergers and 100% of legal charges.

The law also allows the installment in 30, 60, 120 and 180 months, with respectively minor reductions.

The repairment of debts have already been planned in previous amnesty programs (Paes, Paex and Refis, including Law 11.941 / 2009) within 180 times with reductions.

Carpena Lawyers is prepared to guide your customers in the process of adherence to the installment.

* Except for debts required by the National Telecommunications Agency - Anatel (any related to the Technological Development of Telecommunications - FUNTTEL -, Telecommunications Supervisory Fund - Fistel - and Universalization of Telecommunications Services - Fust ) And also by the National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality - Inmetro - and Administrative Council of Economic Defense - Cade.