The importance of denunciation channels as a way of preventing and combating violence and harassment in the workplace.

The importance of denunciation channels as a way of preventing and combating violence and harassment in the workplace.   Law 14.457/2022, in addition to instituting the Employment + Women program, changed Labor legislation, in order to increase measures to prevent and combat...

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The importance of denunciation channels as a way of preventing and combating violence and

harassment in the workplace.


Law 14.457/2022, in addition to instituting the Employment + Women program, changed

Labor legislation, in order to increase measures to prevent and combat harassment

sexual and other forms of violence in the field of work. The law has established new attributions

to CIPA, which has been called the Internal Accident Prevention Commission and



Companies would have up to one hundred and eighty days from the date of the promulgation of

Law (until March 2023), to perform the necessary adjustments to its

Internal procedures, training and implementation of the complaint channel. By

Thus, companies that are not complying with the measures are subject to

Application of fines and other penalties by the Ministry of Labor.


There are many ethical deviations in labor relations, with significant increase

complaints about bullying and sexual harassment, as well as other types of violence in

work environment. Given this, the new law obliges companies to promote periodic actions

awareness and training on these topics.


To do so, the complaint channel is the mandatory instrument to ensure that

Facts can be communicated immediately and enable investigations

effective internal to curb the illicit eventually practiced in the workplace,

preserving the boundary's anonymity and full guarantee of information confidentiality.


It is important that in the investigation phase and the application of measures

disciplinary, management procedures are ensured for monitoring and

Calculation of reports, in addition to commitment to the application of sanctions to

Responsible for the acts of harassment and/or violence, after investigating the irregularities

reported in order to avoid discriminatory treatment, calculation or diversion failures



Thus, communication and training are also essential elements for

Implementation of good governance practices in companies. Even the law highlights

Importance in performing periodic training, which should involve all sectors

of companies, with different approaches, languages and content, depending on the




Therefore, it is mandatory to adopt compliance programs, whose objective is

Promote the organizational culture of Ethics, Transparency and Management Efficiency, so that


All actions of the company members are in accordance with the legislation,

values, principles and internal regulations.


The adoption of good governance practices promotes a credibility environment,

Transparency and responsibility, necessary for the most solid and inclusive growth in



Flavia Alejandra Fernández de Goes