Understand the generation "Y"

The young people of the "Y" generation, born between the 1980s and 1990s, are questions by nature, very well formed and

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young people from generation "y", born between the 1980s and 1990s, are questions by nature, very well formed and informed, with knowledge in more than one language, ambitious, focused on short-term and motivated results Challenges and Recognition.

They do not plan the future. In their sight, this may not happen.

The "y" have peculiar characteristics: regarding work as challenge and fun, they pray an informal environment with transparency and freedom to exchange ideas, value teamwork and want quick promotions.

These young people begin their careers with strange postures to the formality of those professionals who have decades of experience, but at the same time induce a healthy renewal. The "Y" will give the best to overcome the goal in record deadline.

These young people have worked to human human resources professionals. Created in a world dominated by technology, they are agile and are accustomed to making various tasks at the same time. But they are very wounders and restless. In the labor market, they have multinational experiences, facilitated by education and the numerous professional experiences, are ready to go where the challenge is, without very deep roots. They seek bright careers, high wages and worship the Headhunters , in addition to multinational companies. When they are not satisfied with the organization in which they work, just ask for dismissal and seek another.

Before we were selected them. Today they are choosing us.

It is necessary to review people management policies in force in companies. Many of them still apply old practices for these new professionals. One of the motivators for the engagement of these young people is to have a clear career plan, so that they understand where they will arrive and how long they will take for it.

Carpena lawyers values ​​these young people, since there is a history of trainees who become lawyers inside the office. It is believed in the potentiality, positive energy, critical sense and creativity of this generation, valuing the synergy between the other gifts in the office.

Culture of carpena lawyers is focused on professional development with clear goals, where these young people see where they will arrive, thus ensuring continuity in their careers and the consistency of a corporate structure.