Period for work gymnastics and meetings before work schedule counts as time at the disposal of the employer

The third class of the Superior Court of Labor Understand that the period for working gymnastics, as well as meetings before

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The third class of the Superior Court of Labor understood that the period for work gymnastics, as well as meetings before work is considered as time at the disposal of the employer.

The work justice has adopted the understanding by maintaining the condemnation of a multinational industry manufacturer of rubber products to pay 20 minutes daily as extra hours, with an increase of the additional established in a collective agreement, for the time spent in these activities by the complainant Process nº 972-58.2010.5.15.0007.

According to the Regional Court that judged the claims in an ordinary appeal, the time spent by the employee in fulfilling the employer's determinations must be computed in the working day for all legal effects, even if it is work gymnastics and of meetings, because it is indifferent to the destination of the residual minutes. This time is considered as available to the employer, as provided by Article 4 of CLT.

Edited with information from the Secretariat of Social Communication of the Superior Court of Labor - TST.