Time spent on consumer problem generates compensation

The time spent by the consumer to solve a consumer problem generates compensation for moral damages. It is in this sense decision of the 27th

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The time spent by the consumer to solve a consumer problem generates compensation for moral damages. It is according to the decision of the 27th Chamber of the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro, which condemned a shopkeeper to indemnify a consumer in five thousand reais in January of this year.

Jurisprudential innovation blames the supplier for the time spent to solve problems with itself caused, already with decisions that apply the understanding to long waits in bank queues or to the time spent on the telephone by the consumer.

According to the judge Fernando Antônio de Almeida, a rapporteur of the process, "the loss of time of consumer life due to the bad service of a supplier is not a mere annoyance of daily life, but real negative impact on his life, which is obliged To waste time working, time with your family, leisure time, due to problems generated by companies. "

In addition to the recognition of a right to consumers, jurisprudential innovation represents a notice to suppliers in general, which should suit their service channels in order to ensure effective and speedy care, under penalty of facing an increase in their judicial liability.

Civil Appellation No. 0019108-85.2011.8.19.0208.