Regional Work Court includes an administrator of businesswoman executed in the passive action pole

On July 19, the Regional Court of the 11th Region (Amazonas and Roraima) welcomed the thesis of the executor in order to disregard the legal personality

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On July 19, the Regional Court of the 11th Region (Amazonas and Roraima) welcomed the executive thesis in order to disregard the legal personality of the claimed claimed and included in the liability pole of demand his administrator.

understood the landings of the 2nd class of that court that the administrator had proxy with the broadest powers of MANDO and management of the company, including representing it with banking establishments, making deposits, withdrawals, loans, having the same prerogatives with employees. In addition, the powers were given to admit and dismiss, as well as sign and give low in work portfolios.

If this was not enough, the landings that the administrator's ability also included prerogatives in relation to business, such as signing social contracts, distracts, opening and closing social activities and subsidiaries in the social contract, including representing the company in any judgment or court.

Thus, the landings that the circumstances in which the administrator has exercised their activities, which may not account that, although they did not integrate the corporate framework of the company, at the time of the executent's work contract, that possessed the most diverse management powers, confusing with the figure of the legal entity itself, and must respond to execution.